04 January 2012

I Have A GoOd Friends!

:: Assalamualaikum ::

Okayy..first of all. Entri nie memg khas pasal kawan2 aq.. Aq tak mintk org untk suke entri ni. Tapi aq sngat menghargai sesiape yang enjoy bace dis entri.. 
Hurmm.tadi aq pegi skolah..nak ambik surat berhenti sekolah sebab aq dapat tawaran ke Program Pendidikan PERMATApintar Negara. Alhamdulillah,dis bid is one of my wishlist. So,takkan nak lepaskan macam tu je kan. Eh..Stop! Aq bukn nak citer pasal tawaran nie sebenar nyer. Tadi pegi sekolah untk kali terakhir.. So,aq pergilah jumpe kawan-kawan GENESIS ku..gamba dieorang tu kat atas..rasenyer aq dah post gamba dieorang nie dah dua kali kott. Sumer nyer ade 94 orang(tak termasuk aq lah). 

Tapi tak sempat jumpe sume la tadi.. Jumpe mane yang nampak jer. Nak masuk kelas nie ade cikgu tengah mengajar..nak masuk kelas tu pon ade cikgu tengah mengajar..last2 masuk 1 kelas jer. Masuk2 jer sume pandang pelik plus terkejot. Yelahh..dahla tak pakai uniform sekolah..pastu datang lambat sehari.Then,lame sikit baru dieorang say "Hai,,Jiha!". Banyak kali jugak lah aq ulang alik pegi kelas jumpe dieorang coz nak sambil tunggu surat benti sekolah tu siap. Lame giler kot! Yelah,mane tak nyer..sume cikgu bizi coz hari nie pendaftaran Form 1. Kesian umi..kene tunggu kat lobi sekolah tu nak dekat 2 jam. Last2,cikgu tak dapat siapkan surat tu..cikgu akan post laju jer nanti. Huhu.. 

Before balik,aq pegi lagi ke kelas buat kali yang terakhir. Tyme tulah..baru aq rase sedih giler2 nak mati(eh,takdelah sampai nak mati). 3 taon wehh bersame..3 taon. Lame kan?
But tulah,kuasa Allah..ada orang yang kekal bersame kite and ada yang tak. If it`s about family,family stays,always as a family,but friends do come and go. Ada yang dah tak rapat coz of pernah fight ke,ada pasal masa dan semua kuasa Allah. Sometimes we did our best but still,jodoh tak memihak kat kite. But in dis case,what we can do is give our best and let Allah settle everything.

It's hard to forget the memories , it's even harder to forget ,to delete the people who included in those moments. It's easy to forgive ,hard to forget.  but when you forgive , forget about it. Okay obviously you won't . But be easy. Everybody makes mistake. 

So,di kesempatan nieyh aq nak mintak maaf kat sume warga GENESIS.. Terlalu banyak kenangan aq dengan korang sume. Insya-Allah aq takkan lupekan sume tu.. Thnx for everything! Korang sangat baek,hebatt,gempak,sempoi..haa..ape lagi. Ape-ape pun,Good luck menjalani kehidupan di alam SPM.. Kite same-same berdoa. Aq sayang korang sangat-sangat.. Insya-Allah aq takkan lupekan korang.

Btw,terima kasih kepada ahli dorm Ummu Salamah coz buatkan kad tu. Kite akan simpan kad tu leklok. Kpd Anis Najwa..Walaupun hanya sekeping kertas. Tapi aq sangat mengahargainya..Sayang giler ko! Thnx jugak kepada Encik Muhammad Syukri sebab kasi Jam Vincci tu. Masuk kereta jer terus bukakpluspakai..hehe. :). I`ll wear it fulltime..cehh! Sumpa lawaa! Encik Emir Iskandar Zulkarnain juge..terime kaseh for the cute teddy bear! Insya-Allah i`ll take care of it properly..! :)

Nie lah barang-barang yg di mentionkan kat atas tu.. 

Sebelom end this entri..reminder nie aq tujukan khas kepada diri sendiri dan orang lain. Hehe.. Forgive me is there`s any salah silap.

Not everyone likes you . In every number who likes you , there will always 1% who doesn't like you for who you are. Be real. Be good. Why bother ? Focus on those who need us . Don't neglect those who appreciate us just because we focused on those who don't like us. Appreciate to be appreciated.We live for Allah , not people. Love For Allah is the major key of Human Love.


                                                                                                         Sincerely from heart,Najihah Zulkifli


  1. ko tau x , aku baca post ni plus dengan lagu sedih ni buat aku nak nangis jer . tukarlah lagu A7X ke . HAHA . btw , please never ever forget your old friends .

  2. Hahaha.. Dun weri lah Haziq. Insya-Allah aq takkan lupekan korang. :)

  3. attention to jiha,
    please NEVER ever ever forget us forever.
    i repeat..
    please NEVER ever ever forget us for eternity.
    ye sayang? :)
